
He just might: The world could face huge environmental challenges if Jair Bolsonaro gets to exercise his plans for the Amazon | Image credit:

Brazilian Prez hopeful  on a mission to bulldoze the Amazon

Brazil’s presidential hopeful may become the biggest threat to the world’s largest rainforest. Jair Bolsonaro, has said: “No more Paris Agreement. No more ministry of environment. A paved highway cutting through the Amazon.” He has reportedly also said he wants to abolish Brazil’s environment ministry, and unleash ‘criminal gangs of loggers and miners’ on the Amazon.

Unfortunately his threats may even come to pass as he currently leads the country’s presidential race, with the next round of voting scheduled for October 28th.

EU lawmakers support 55% emission cuts

The European Parliament called on the European Union (EU) to hike up the emissions reduction target for 2030 from the current 40% to 55%. It urged the European Commission to come up with a long-term strategy for net-zero emissions by 2050 “at the latest”.

Australia PM ‘won’t throw money’ into key climate fund

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison says he won’t withdraw from the Paris Agreement, but his govt won’t “throw money” into the key Green Climate Fund (GCF) . The previous Australian government gave $141 million to GCF between 2015 and 2018. The Least Developed Countries (LDC), a UN group of 47 poor countries, urged Australia to “honour its international commitments”.

Dutch court rejects govt’s plea to delay climate action; campaigners celebrate

A Dutch appeals court ordered the government to stick to a tougher climate target: minimum 25% emission cuts from 1990 levels by 2020. The judge said: “Climate change is a grave danger. The Dutch government cannot hide behind other countries’ emissions.” Campaigners from the group Urgenda and hundreds of citizens hugged each other and cheered as the judge read the verdict in favour of their plea.

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