The European Union will end restrictions on the sale of solar panels from China which “would lead to a flood of cheap imports.” The Commission said it was in the best interests of the EU, given the bloc’s aim of increasing supply of renewable energy. Some companies were considering moving court.
1.58 rupees/KWh for rooftop solar recorded in Madhya Pradesh auction
Developers bid 1.58 rupees per KWh, lowest-ever in the country, to sell power from rooftop solar projects on government and private buildings in Madhya Pradesh. The projects will service municipal and police buildings, colleges, industrial training and polytechnic institutions, as well as some private entities.
Solar installations down 52% Q1 2018
Mercom study says solar installations fell by 52% to 1,599 MW during the second quarter of 2018, “due to uncertainties around trade cases and module price fluctuations”. Installations were down nearly 21% in comparison to 2,025 MW installed in the corresponding quarter of 2017.
Tug of war over Tariff: Solar manufacturing tender size reduced
To control tariffs, Centre reduced the capacity of the manufacturing tender from 5 GW to 3 GW. The tender has been cut to counter developers quoting higher tariffs citing manufacturing cost. Solar developers say the government is forcing them to enter manufacturing.
Reports suggest the Centre may cap solar tariffs at ₹ 2.5 and ₹ 2.68 per unit for domestic, and imported solar cells and modules, respectively: far lower than the reverse bidding tariffs. Analysts say recent cancellations of tenders over tariffs “have set a bad precedent”.
Govt. sets schedule for state solar tenders
Centre has set a schedule for state companies and official agencies to float solar tenders to space out large projects and prevent distortion of the market. Chasing 100GW of solar by 2022, the government plans to invite bids for 30,000 MW each in the current and next financial years. This will ensure a steady pipeline of projects through the year instead of inviting too many bids at once and on the entire value chain.
Malaysia takes India to WTO over safeguard duty
Malaysia moved WTO over India’s decision to impose import duty on solar cells. India has temporarily postponed safeguard duty of up to 25% on solar cells imports from China and Malaysia. Malaysia said it has a substantial interest as an exporter of the product.
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