CarbonCopy is hosting a series of public consultations to discuss and present viewpoints of experts, academics, civil society and media, on the opportunities for sustainable economic recovery for India – looking through the climate change lens.
The first national webinar schedule details are as follows:
Session #1
Aligning social, economic and environmental goals
Friday, 18 September 2020, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm (90 minutes)
- Dr Ajay Mathur, Director General, TERI
- Prof Navroz Dubash, Centre for Policy Research & IPCC Coordinating Lead Author
- Prof Christian Breyer, Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT), Finland
- Prof Cameron Hepburn, Director, Smith School of Enterprise & Environment, Oxford University
- Ms Bijal Brahmbhatt, Director, Mahila Housing Sewa Trust
- Ms Aarti Khosla, Director, Climate Trends
- Mr Govindraj Ethiraj, Founder-Editor, IndiaSpend
As the pandemic has assailed in the last few months, it has put the world in a deep global recession which will require society to build back better.
Even for India, there is a once in a lifetime chance for undertaking a large scale sustainable economic transition which was needed well before the pandemic. This will require an environment-friendly growth plan which prioritises renewable energy, de-prioritises inefficient and polluting fossil fuels, and makes a case for the switch to sustainable transport. All this must be done while ensuring that we build resilience in our socio-economic system, and are able to support job creation.
Key insights from these conversations will be released in a summary for policymakers as an input to shape policies to recover from COVID-19 pandemic while creating a better environment.
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