With just 101 GW of renewable energy capacity in place, the government plans to set up ‘Mission 500 GW’ to achieve its declared target of 500 GW by 2030, ET reported. The newspaper said the power ministry and the ministry of new and renewable energy will draw up a detailed action plan for the 2030 goal that will include assessments of technologies to be used, storage requirements, transmission issues and the energy mix for 500GW. The joint ministerial panel will also focus on framing regulation to increase the capacity and schemes to attract foreign investment.
The Central Electricity Authority Report on Optimal Generation Capacity Mix for 2029-30 had stated that for the earlier 450GW by 2030 target, 280 GW would be solar power, 140GW wind power and the remaining were hybrid sources which the newspaper said could include the proposed mixed of hydrogen and biofuel.
Centre clarifies it does not authorise vendors to install rooftop solar
Centre has clarified that it has not authorised vendors for installation of rooftop solar that is the job of state discoms, who empanel vendors through bidding process. The government also said the consumers should pay rates decided by discoms. The Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Scheme Phase II provides 40% subsidy for the first 3KW and 20% subsidy beyond 3KW to upto 10 KW. The Ministry of New and Renewable energy said some vendors were making false claims that they have been authorised by the ministry to install rooftop solar.
The Ministry warned that some vendors are charging more price than the rates decided by discoms from domestic consumers, which is incorrect, it noted.
Adani Green Energy signs world’s largest Green PPA with SECI
Adani Green Energy, the world’s largest solar developer, has signed the world’s largest Power Purchase Agreement to supply 4667 MW of green power. The agreement with Solar Enegy Corporation of India (SECI) is part of a manufacturing-linked solar tender of 8,000 MW, the largest solar tender ever awarded. Adani Green, so far, has signed PPAs with SECI for total generation capacity of around 6,000 MW of the 8,000 MW awarded since 2020. The company expects to close the balance 2,000 MW PPA in the next two to three months.
International Solar Alliance gets observer status at the UN
The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has granted Observer Status to International Solar Alliance (ISA). India said in 6 years, the ISA has become an example of positive global climate action through partnerships to benefit global energy growth and development. Total of 108 countries participated in the Assembly, including 74 Member Countries and 34 Observer and Prospective Countries, 23 Partner Organizations and 33 Special Invitee Organisations.
The ISA was launched jointly by India and France in November 2015, at the 21st session of the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties in Paris, France.
India can economically meet power demand through renewables by 2030: US study
India could economically meet its electricity demand through renewables by 2030, says the latest study by the US department of State’s Bureau of Energy Resource. The study, published by the Lawrence Berkeley national Laboratory (LBNL), said that the power demand of India will double by 2030, which the country will be able to meet through RE and “complimentary flexible resources” such as agriculture load shifting, storage and hydropower and optimally utilising its existing thermal power assets.
The study found that dramatic cost reductions in solar energy over the past decade and energy storage make it affordable for India to meet its growing power demand over the next decade, and at the same time reduce power costs by 8-10% and emissions intensity of power supply by 43-50% from 2020 levels. This study said 23GW of net additions of coal capacity will be needed as battery storage costs continue to fall and financing is secured.
Build sturdier solar equipment to withstand extreme weather, save billions: Study
New research has warned that quality standards and testing is not able to keep up to speed with photovoltaics advancing technologies as manufacturers aim for higher energy yields and lower costs are making modules larger and thinner. Experts say damage from extreme weather including storms, hail, heatwaves and snow could cost utility firms billions of dollars.
Most modules have warranties that last 25–35 years, yet they face reliability challenges in more diverse settings. New cell designs, materials, packaging and racking technologies are advancing to market within months. Durability testing needs to keep up. Some components that passed quality tests a decade ago have since turned out to be defective, the report stated.
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