
Sri Lankan cricketers had to wear anti-pollution masks to keep from collapsing on the field.

No ‘match’ for Delhi air: Players vomit, ICC takes up issue, Medical Association, Green Court furious

Delhi’s killer air hit the headlines again as Sri Lankan cricketers donned pollution masks at a recent test match against India. The air was so bad that some players even threw up on the field. The ICC is set to raise the issue at its February meet. The Indian Medical Association was furious over sending the wrong message to children about playing outside in toxic air and wants air quality to be part of pre-match light-and-rain assessment. India’s green court slammed the authorities over the match in Delhi.

Air pollution ‘hits children’s IQ’, poor bear the brunt of Beijing

A new UNICEF study says toxic air triggers neurological-behavioural problems in children, severely lowering their IQ. Meanwhile, world over, climate leaders marked Smog Day to mourn premature air pollution deaths. In Africa toxic air is becoming a bigger threat than malnutrition, while in China the poorly planned shift from coal to gas to fight air pollution has left the poorer regions around Beijing shivering at -6°C.

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