
Even drilling for oil and gas is harmful to the planet, let alone burning the fuels downstream

Oil & Gas linked to Methane emissions, Minister pushes for biofuel in cars, ‘like it or not’

Oil and Gas linked to rise in Methane levels

According to a new NASA study, extracting oil and gas causes methane emissions which fuel global warming. Methane (CH4) emissions have increased by about 25 teragrams per year since 2006. The study has been credited with crushing the ‘myth’ that natural gas is a climate solution.

Gadkari wants cars to run on biofuels to reduce oil bill

Transport minister Nitin Gadkari wants to cut oil import bill of rupees 7 lakh crores by promoting biofuels. He said ‘whether auto industry likes it or not’ they have to make vehicles that can run on biofuels. Government’s GST council has recommended slashing tax on fuel production from 18% to 12%.

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