Super-fast charging: The NiSalen battery chemistry enables superfast recharging in just seconds, which could catapult the market's acceptance of EVs | Photo: Sci Tech Daily

Russian researchers develop EV batteries that charge 10X faster than li-ion

Researchers at the University of St. Petersburg (Russia) developed a Nickel-based battery that charges at 10 times the speed of traditional li-ion batteries, with high capacitance over a wide range of temperature. The polymer-based nickel salen (NiSalen) complex took three years to develop, but at the moment lags commonly-available li-ion batteries in charge capacity by about 30-40%. However, it charges within seconds and poses no combustion risk, while also using much less environmentally damaging metals.

Three-wheelers led India’s EV sales in FY21

Data compiled by CEEW’s electric mobility dashboard showed that three-wheelers accounted for 65% of all the electric vehicles registered in India in FY2020-21, while EV registrations themselves accounted for 0.88% of all auto registrations — the highest ever. The country sold nearly 135,000 EVs in FY2021, which takes India’s tally of EVs to around 638,000 since 2011. While Uttar Pradesh led overall sales with 23% of the share since April 2020, Tripura led the per capita adoption, selling 52 EVs for every 1,000 ICE vehicles. 

The market for two-wheelers also jumped 160% and they accounted for 30% of the EV registrations for the period. However, the dashboard also revealed that only 4.5% of the Rs. 10,000 crores in subsidies under FAME-II have so far been disbursed. 

South Korea aims to spearhead global EV wireless charging technology 

South Korea proposed a new, homegrown standard for wirelessly charging EVs that could be applicable globally and would re-charge vehicles to up to 80% of their capacity in about an hour. The technology would operate at 50kW, which is much higher than the 11kW alternative offered by Japan. The standard has been proposed to the International Electrotechnical Commission and if approved, could be a huge step forward for a market that is estimated to grow at 41.3% each year up to 2030

Saskatchewan EV owners protest proposed tax that may stifle sales 

Electric car owners in Saskatchewan, Canada protested against the proposed CAD 150 yearly tax on electric vehicles, saying that the tax, although meant to pay for maintaining highways, would only discourage EV sales. The tax is similar to the one levied in Australia and the car owners argued that so far the province only has chargers along Highway 1, which severely restricts the roads they can drive on.

Instead, they cited a University of California study that shows a drop of 10-24% in EV sales when burdened by taxes. Besides, California also offers rebates on EV sales, while the same is missing in Saskatchewan and EVs make up less than 1% of its registered vehicles. In contrast, the western-most Canadian province of British Columbia has 40,000 EVs but so far has not proposed any taxes. 

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