
  • Aarti Khosla

  • Aatreyee Dhar

  • Abhijit Basu

  • Agus Santoso

  • Ajay Kumar Saxena

    Dr Ajay Kumar Saxena is a New Delhi based Consultant working on forestry, ecology and biodiversity conservation subjects

  • Akash Goenka

    Akash Goenka is a senior research associate at Energy Data Service at the Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE). Akash is setting up a new programme that will regularly uncover actual end-use energy data in India’s commercial building sector to power targeted energy efficiency policymaking and galvanise India’s energy efficiency market.

  • Alex Hillbrand

    Alex is an HFC expert at NRDC.

  • Alexander Robin Phillipson

  • Alisha Vasudev

  • Amit Tiwari

  • Anjal Prakash

    Anjal Prakash is the Research Director and Adjunct Associate Professor at the Indian School of Business (ISB). He teaches Gender and Development at the Advanced Management Programme in Public Policy, Bharti Institute of Public Policy (BIPP), ISB. Dr Prakash is an IPCC author who was Coordinating Lead Author of the special report on Oceans and Cryosphere, 2018 and Lead Author of the ongoing 6th Assessment report of IPCC.

  • Ankita Bhatkhande

  • Anushka Mohite

  • Archana Chaudhary

  • Arindam Roy

  • Bhasker Tripathi

  • Carbon Brief

    Carbon Brief is a UK-based website covering the latest developments in climate science, climate policy and energy policy. We specialise in clear, data-driven articles and graphics to help improve the understanding of climate change, both in terms of the science and the policy response. We publish a wide range of content, including science explainers, interviews, analysis and factchecks, as well as daily and weekly email summaries of newspaper and online coverage.

  • Carbon Impacts

  • Carbon Impacts

  • CEEW

    The Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) is one of South Asia’s leading not-for- profitpolicy research institutions. The Council uses data, integrated analysis, and strategic outreach to explain – and change – the use, reuse, and misuse of resources. The Council addresses pressing global challenges through an integrated and internationally focused approach. It prides itself on the independence of its high-quality research, develops partnerships with public and private institutions, and engages with wider public.

  • Chaiti Bhagawat

  • Charles Worringham

  • Chloe Marie I Mikolajczak

  • Cintya Faliana

  • Clean Energy Wire

    Clean Energy Wire (CLEW) produces and facilitates top-quality journalism about the energy transition in Germany and beyond, and fosters cross-border cooperation among reporters covering the move towards a climate-friendly society.

  • Climate Action Network

    Canada’s primary network of organizations working on climate change and energy issues, CAN-Rac is a coalition of more than 100 organizations operating from coast to coast to coast. Our membership brings environmental groups together with trade unions, First Nations, social justice, development, health and youth organizations, faith groups and local, grassroots initiatives.

  • Climate Transparency

    Climate Transparency is a global partnership with a shared mission to stimulate a ‘race to the top’ in G20 climate action and to shift investments towards zero carbon technologies through enhanced transparency.

  • Climate Trends

    Climate Trends is a research-based consulting and capacity building initiative that aims to bring greater focus on issues of environment, climate change and sustainable development. We specialise in developing comprehensive analyses of complex issues to enable effective decision making in private and public sector.

  • Climate Vulnerable Forum

    The Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) is an international partnership of countries highly vulnerable to a warming planet. The Forum serves as a South-South cooperation platform for participating governments to act together to deal with global climate change.

  • Deekshita Baruah

  • Deepa Padmanabhan

  • Dhwani Sunku

  • Narasimha Reddy Donthi

  • Dr Moritz Kraemer

    Dr Moritz Kraemer is an international economist and expert in credit analysis and economic policy. Moritz is Chief Economic Advisor of Acreditus, a UAE-based risk consultancy firm, and Independent Non-Executive Director of Scope Ratings, the largest Europe-headquartered Credit Rating Agency.

  • Dr Patrycja Klusak

    Dr Patrycja Klusak is a lecturer in Banking and Finance at University of East Anglia and an Affiliated Researcher at Bennett Institute for Public Policy at the University of Cambridge. Her research investigates the behaviour and regulation of credit ratings agencies (CRAs), and their effects on financial systems.

  • Dr. V. Vinoj

    Email: Dr. V. Vinoj is an Assistant Professor at the School of Earth, Ocean, and Climate Sciences, IIT Bhubaneswar, India. He received his Ph.D. in 2009 in atmospheric sciences from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He is an atmospheric/climate scientist by training. His expertise lies in the integration of both observations and modeling to understand various aspects related to aerosol effects including radiative forcing, monsoon rainfall and long range transport of aerosols/pollutants

  • Edward King

  • Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit

    The Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit is a non-profit organisation that supports informed debate on energy and climate change issues in the UK.

  • Energy Transitions Commission

    The Energy Transitions Commission (ETC) brings together a diverse group of individuals from the energy and climate communities: investors, incumbent energy companies, industry disruptors, equipment suppliers, energy-intensive industries, non-profit organizations, advisors, and academics from across the developed and developing world. Our aim is to accelerate change towards low-carbon energy systems that enable robust economic development and limit the rise in global temperature to well below 2 ̊C.

  • European Climate Foundation

    Laurence Tubiana is CEO, European Climate Foundation and Former French ambassador for international climate negotiations in connection with the 2015 COP21 Climate Change Conference in Paris.

  • Farai Shawn Matiashe

    Farai Shawn Matiashe is a journalist based in Mutare, Zimbabwe. He has been published by Al Jazeera, Quartz Africa and Public Radio International.

  • Farhana Ahmed

    Farhana Ahmed is a journalist and documentary film-maker from North Lakhimpur, Assam. She is also an activist against human trafficking and has been a recipient of UNPF-Ladli Media Award on Gender Sensitivities. She has also had stints as media fellow at National Foundaion for India, Centre for Science and Environment, Reach Lille’s, and Centre for Media Studies.

  • Fred Pearce

  • Gireesh Shrimali

    Gireesh Shrimali is a Precourt Scholar at the Sustainable Finance Initiative at Stanford University. He is also a visiting scholar at the Energy Technologies Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab as well as at the Center for Climate Finance and Investment at Imperial College. Previously, he was the Director of Climate Policy Initiative’s India Program, and a Research Fellow at the Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance at Stanford University. He has taught at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, Monterrey as well as the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad. He holds a PhD from Stanford University, an MS from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, and a BTech from the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi. Prior to his academic/research career, he has over nine years of industry experience designing high-speed networking and computing systems.

  • Gowthami Subramaniam

  • Gunjan Jain

  • Harjeet Singh

  • Hozefa Merchant

  • Hridayesh Joshi


    The Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) conducts research and analyses on financial and economic issues related to energy and the environment. The Institute’s mission is to accelerate the transition to a diverse, sustainable and profitable energy economy.

  • Ignacio Amigo

  • IISD

    The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) is an independent think tank that delivers the knowledge to act. Our mission is to promote human development and environmental sustainability. Our big-picture view allows us to address the root causes of some of the greatest challenges facing our planet today – ecological destruction, social exclusion, unfair laws and economic and social rules, a changing climate. IISD’s Global Subsidies Initiative (GSI) is dedicated to promoting a positive relationship between government support policies and sustainable development. With offices in Winnipeg, Geneva, Ottawa, Toronto and Beijing, our work impacts lives in nearly 100 countries.

  • India Climate Dialogue

    India has had a National Action Plan on Climate Change since 2008, with eight specific missions under it. But there has been relatively little action since then. These issues have been the subject of debate among policymakers, academics, think tanks and in the media for over 20 years. But much of the debate is affected by one form of bias or the other. So there is an urgent need to have a dedicated outlet for impartial and objective news and views on all aspects of climate change, how it affects India, and what can be done about it. India Climate Dialogue has been launched by The Third Pole to fulfill this need.

  • Isabella Kaminski

  • Jai Kumar Gaurav

  • James Dyke, University of Exeter

    Senior Lecturer in Global Systems, University of Exeter

  • Swati Joshi

  • Jyoti Pande Lavakare

    Jyoti Pande Lavakare is co-founder, Care for Air, and author of ‘Breathing Here Is Injurious to Your Health’ to be published by Hachette in late 2020.

  • Kalyan Chatterjee

  • Kamiar Mohaddes

    Kamiar Mohaddes is a Senior Lecturer in Economics and Policy at the Judge Business School and a Fellow in Economics at King’s College, Cambridge

  • Kartikeya Singh

    Kartikeya Singh is a non-resident fellow with the Energy Security and Climate Change Program and the Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C.

  • Kartiki Negi

  • Krithika Dinesh

    Krithika Dinesh is an independent environmental lawyer

  • Kumer Singh

  • Kundan Kumar

  • Labanya Prakash Jena

  • Lauri Myllyvirta

  • Let Me Breathe

  • Lou Del Bello

  • Lung Care Foundation

    Lung Care Foundation (LCF) was established on 25th May 2015 as a not-for-profit organization, dedicated to the cause of promoting “Lung Health” in India.The foundation will work towards achieving its objective through focused actions in three core areas of – Education, Research and Clinical Care.

  • M Rajshekhar

  • Mahesh Patankar

    Mahesh Patankar is the Managing Director at MP Ensystems, the interim consulting India Director at the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP), and a senior advisor - disruptive technologies, 2030 Water Resources Group. Views expressed in blog posts are personal.

  • Mahima Jain

  • Matthew Agarwala

    Matthew Agarwala is an environmental economist interested in wealth-based approaches to measuring and delivering sustainable development. Matthew joined the Bennett Institute’s wealth economy project to transform economic measurement to better reflect sustainability, inequality, and human wellbeing.

  • Matt Burke

    Matt Burke is a Research Assistant at the Bennett Institute for Public Policy and Doctoral Candidate at the University of East Anglia. His main areas of interest are in the application of computational techniques to contemporary problems in finance and economics.

  • Meenakshi Kapoor

    Meenakshi Kapoor is an independent researcher in environment, land and agriculture policies.

  • Monika Mondal

  • Moonis Ijlal

  • Mrinali K

  • Naini Swami

  • Namita Vikas

  • Neha Saigal

  • Nick Watts

    Nick Watts is the Executive Director of Lancet Countdown: Tracking Progress on Health and Climate Change. He is also the Director of the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change.

  • Nidhi Srivastava

  • Nishant Saxena

  • Nitin Bassi

  • Nityanand Jayaraman

    Nityanand is a Chennai-based writer and social activist.

  • NRDC

    NRDC works to safeguard the earth—its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends.

  • Pawan Mulukutla

    Pawan Mulukutla is the Director, Electric Mobility at the World Resources Institute India

  • Pradip Swarnakar

  • Pragathi Ravi

    Pragathi Ravi is an independent environment journalist based in Bengaluru.

  • Pranav Sinha

  • Pranav Srivilasan

  • Pranusha Kulkarni

    The author is an India Tech Policy Fellow at the Pacific Forum.

  • Prasad Ashok Thakur

  • Prima Madan

    Prima Madan is an energy efficiency expert and a consultant with NRDC's India program.

  • Priyanka Thirumurthy

  • Radhika Chatterjee

  • Rajashree Padmanabhi

  • A Amarender Reddy

  • Retno Ayuningtyas

  • Riding Sunbeams

  • Rishika Pardikar

    Rishika is a freelance journalist from Bengaluru.

  • Ritwick Dutta

    Ritwick Dutta is an Indian environmental lawyer & the founder of the Legal Initiative for Forests and Environment (LIFE)

  • Robert Watson, University of East Anglia

    Emeritus Professor in Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia

  • Rohit Dharmadhikari

    Rohit Dharmadhikari has a diverse educational background of Engineering in IT, Masters in Disaster Management from TISS, Masters in Political science & International Relations and a degree in L.L.B and an equally diverse work experience in the domain of Business Continuity & Disaster Management wherein he has worked with various corporate houses and the UN as an expert of Business Continuity Management, Disaster Risk Reduction specialist and Climate Change Adaptation Consultant. Currently, Rohit works as a BCP Specialist for one large corporate house

  • Romit Sen

  • Ronak Sutaria

    Ronak is the CEO of Urban Sciences, a tech startup focused on building scientifically validated low-cost sensor based real-time air quality monitoring networks.

  • Roselin Minj

    Roselin Minj is the Lead- Partnerships at the World Resources Institute India

  • Ruchit G Garg

  • Sam Purkis

  • Samantha Ho

  • Sameer Kwatra

    Sameer Kwatra is the acting director of India at NRDC. He specializes in policy research that promotes clean energy, energy access, and sound climate policy in India.

  • Sameer Aggarwal

  • Santosh Harish

    Santosh Harish is a fellow at the Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi

  • Sarath Guttikunda

    Sarath Guttikunda is the director of Urban Emissions (India), an independent research group on air pollution, issuing three-day air quality forecasts for all Indian districts

  • Sarthak Shukla

  • Seema Sharma

    Seema Sharma is an independent environment journalist based in Chandigarh.

  • Shantanu Srivastava

  • Shaswata Kundu Chaudhuri

  • Shreeshan V

  • Shreyans Jain

  • Shruti Deorah

    Shruti M. Deorah is a researcher at the Goldman School of Public Policy, UC Berkeley. Deorah’s research primarily focuses on regulatory & policy issues in India's power sector, especially relating to increasing penetration of renewable energy, along with transition to electric mobility.

  • Sibi Arasu

    Sibi Arasu is an independent journalist based in Bangalore.

  • Siddharth Goel

  • Simran Grover

  • Snigdha Verma

  • Sonikka Loganathan

  • Suramya Guruprasad

  • Swapna Patil

  • Swati Madan

  • Taejong Kim

  • Tanya Thomas

  • Tarun

  • Tejas Deshmukh

    Tejas Deshmukh is a WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) consultant with the UN. A civil engineer and a rural manager by qualification, Tejas blends both experiences and provides technical support pertaining to Swachh Bharat Mission (Clean India Mission – Rural) to State governments. His past projects have focused on assessing the impact of free farm power policy in Chhattisgarh, developing frugal innovations for urban school sanitation, developing behaviour change modules for multiple stakeholders and cross-sectoral interventions of WASH in Emergencies, Healthcare, Schools and early childhood care centres.

  • The Climate Group

    OUR MISSION - Accelerating climate action. OUR GOAL - A world of no more than 1.5°C of global warming and greater prosperity for all.

  • Thomas Spencer

    Thomas Spencer is a Fellow at The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), where he works on energy transition in India's electricity and industry sectors. He has a master's degree in Carbon Management from the University of Edinburgh, with a focus on energy economics. Views expressed in blog posts are personal.

  • Tim Buckley

  • Thomas Oliver

    Tom Oliver is author of a book about human interconnectedness and how this influences global environmental issues ('THE SELF DELUSION') published by Weidenfeld and Nicholson. He has received research funding from BBSRC, NERC and Natural England for quantifying land use and climate impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services. He is affiliated with Defra as a senior scientific fellow on their Systems Research Programme and sits on the European Environment Agency scientific committee as a socioecological systems expert.

  • Umesh Ramamoorthi

  • Vijeta Rattani

    Dr Vijeta Rattani, based in New Delhi, works with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on environment, climate change and natural resource management

  • Wenju Cai

  • WHO

    WHO began when our Constitution came into force on 7 April 1948 – a date we now celebrate every year as World Health Day. We are now more than 7000 people from more than 150 countries working in 150 country offices, in 6 regional offices and at our headquarters in Geneva.

  • Wolfgang Knorr, Lund University

    enior Research Scientist, Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University

  • World Economic Forum

  • Yao Zhe

  • Zainab Agha

    Zainab Agha is the program officer, South Asia, at Climate Group. Climate Group is the secretariat of the Under2 Coalition, which is the states and regions partner in the UNFCCC’s Race to Zero Campaign.