Climate change to cause mass movement, World Bank warns
The World Bank has warned that climate change will trigger a massive wave of migration in South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America between now and 2050, creating “hotspots” of tens of millions of people. Over 140 million people are likely to be internally displaced. In sub-Saharan Africa: 86 million; in south Asia: 40 million; and in Latin America, 17 million. This might cause “enormous disruptions”. The countries could prevent it by accelerating CO2 cuts, incorporating policy on climate change migration, and investing in data and analysis for use in planning development, WB said.
UN report: Water shortage to hit 5bn people by 2050
A UN report on the state of global water says, over 5 billion people could suffer water shortages by 2050 due to climate change, increased demand and polluted supplies. The study warns of “civilisational threats” unless actions are taken to reduce the stress on rivers, wetlands and reservoirs. The World Water Development Report projected demand for water to rise fastest in developing countries. Meanwhile, climate change will put an added stress on supplies because it will make wet regions wetter and dry regions drier.
Trump govt. fails to file climate report, sued
A US climate group has sued Trump administration over failing to release records that could explain why the government didn’t file climate action report required under Paris accord. US, like others, is obligated to submit a report every two years on emissions cut to keep the global temperature rise “well below” 2 degrees Celsius. Trump plans to quit Paris deal but the process will take at least three years, until then US remains party to the deal.
USA’s ‘first climate science skeptic’ Secy of State
Trump’s new pick for Secy of State, Mike Pompeo, is one of the biggest global warming deniers, also referred by climate activists as the “lap dog” of Koch Brothers _the energy giants had donated him over $375,500 in campaign funds. Koch industries have spent millions of dollars to kill climate change regulation. Pompeo’s appointment has made autonomous climate action by US cities, states, and businesses even more urgent.
Climate resilience & Vietnamese coastal housing
Vietnam’s typhoon-hit families will receive free storm-proof houses, which can “help pull them out of poverty” the UN said. Vietnam is one of 10 countries most affected by climate change, according to the latest annual Climate Risk Index published by the research organisation Germanwatch. UNDP plans to build 300 houses by the end of this year, out of a total of 4,000 by 2022.
China’s Arctic ship & “Polar Silk Road”
As part of its “Belt and Road” initiative, China has begun building its first polar expedition cruise ship, as global warming opens up shipping lanes in the Arctic. Construction of the 104.4-meter vessel, was expected to be completed by August 2019. China released its first official Arctic policy white paper in January, “to encourage companies to build infrastructure and conduct commercial trial voyages” with the goal of building a “Polar Silk Road”.
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