Later this month, the world’s largest sub-national entity and the hotbed of Indian politics – Uttar Pradesh, goes to polls. As parties fight for the attention of over 14 crore voters, it is imperative to know if blue skies and a green planet is on the citizens’ wish list.
Ahead of the Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections, Climate Trends & YouGov conducted a survey to understand the public perception of air quality and climate change in the cities of Agra, Kanpur, Lucknow, Meerut, Varanasi, Gorakhpur. The survey brings out the impact of actions taken by the government and political parties in Uttar Pradesh prior to the elections.
We invite you to the launch of the survey findings followed by a discussion with experts from the state. The speakers will lend insight on the progress and gaps that can be addressed by city and state governments in meeting the expectations of the citizens with respect to air quality and climate change.
- Prof S N Tripathi IIT Kanpur and Steering Committee Member, National Clean Air Programme (NCAP)
- Shalu Agarwal Senior Programme Lead, Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)
- Kashish Shah Energy Finance Analyst, Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA)
- Karuna Nidhan Srivastava Review Officer, Lucknow Bench of Allahabad High Court
- Pravin Kumar Resident Editor, Times of India – Lucknow
- Dr Ajay Nagpure Head, Air Quality, World Resource Institute (WRI), India