India’s Green Recovery

COVID-19 pandemic forced countries around the world to take immediate measures to ensure public safety. Among those measures was a complete lock-down of all activities. Schools, businesses, industries, markets all commercial and economic activities besides basic essentials were restricted. 

This major economic disruption caused many to lose their jobs, it caused businesses to shut down forever, and it has pushed some sectors to near collapse. Recovering from this collapse would not be possible without government support. And depending on the kind of support received, recovery could either lead to more pollution, and temporary jobs or less pollution and future-ready jobs. 

While many major economies focused on bailing out and supporting industries that were future ready, India’s COVID-19 recovery package of ₹20 lakh crore – equivalent to $260bn, largely focused on environmentally intensive and polluting industries

Expansion of coal mining was included in the recovery package, the policy claims to be able to create 2,80,000 new jobs in a dying industry. Meanwhile, the renewable energy industry, received comparatively less support, has the potential to create 20,00,000 new jobs by 2030. 


We’re in the middle of planning more events. Please check this space later for updates!

Past Events on #GreenRecoveryIndia

India’s Job Prospects in Investing in a Green Economic Recovery | Webinar (Hindi) | 4th November 2020

कोविड -19 महामारी के बाद, पिछले कुछ महीनों में, दुनिया में जिस तरह की मानवीय और आर्थिक आपदा देखी गई है, वह आधुनिक इतिहास में अपनी तरह की पहली घटना है। तमाम देश और जनसमुदाय इस महामारी के आर्थिक और शारीरिक प्रभावों से जूझ रहे हैं। कई राष्ट्रों ने तो इन विषम परिस्थितियों से निपटने के लिए आर्थिक सुधार पैकेज तैयार किए हैं। भारत में भी इस दिशा में प्रयास हो रहे हैं। लेकिन अर्थव्यवस्था को ठीक करने के दौरान, एक महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न जिसका उत्तर दिया जाना आवश्यक है, वह यह है कि इस बिखरी अर्थव्यवस्था को पर्यवर्णानुकूल रूप से पुनर्स्थापित करते समय वो कौन से सुधार हो सकते हैं जो लाखों भारतीयों को नौकरी के अवसर प्रदान करें।

The Sanctuary Global Debate 2020 | Virtual Talk | 30th October 2020

“This house believes that the economy is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the environment” This is an “Oxford Union-style debate, between some of the most erudite speakers, all focused on the tri-junction between Economics, Biodiversity, Change and Health.

Energy Transition Summit | E-Conference | 22nd October 2020

CarbonCopy, in association with The Economic Times EnergyWorld, organised a one-day virtual summit on the defining issue of our time—Energy Transition. Event details here.

Session #1: Future for coal in India
Session #2: RE Can Help Discoms Turn Profitable

The Indian Green Recovery | Webinar | 18th September 2020

A series of public consultations to discuss and present viewpoints of experts, academics, civil society and media, on the opportunities for sustainable economic recovery for India – looking through the climate change lens.


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